- PCI Based Frame Grabber
- Accu-Sort and EG&G Reticon Compatible
- RS422 or RS644 compatible camera interface
- Non-multiplexed mode support only (2 x 8 bit
- Up to 40 MHZ Clock (supplied by camera)
- (2) 8MB image buffers - Allows simultaneous
transfer of data from camera to one buffer and from the other buffer
to PCI bus
- Onboard support for PCI DMA chaining (scatter/gather)
- Provides only one interrupt at end of transfer
- Status LEDs - card status, buffer A/B (empty,
filling, filled, emptying)
- PCI DMA capable of transferring data in reverse
line order
- IMVAL and DVAL settable polarities
- Able to capture variable number of lines or
entire valid image (IMVAL)
- Microsoft Windows NT Driver with "C"
callable API Future Enhancements
- Ability to strip lower order camera data bits
and pack into bytes
- PCI loadable camera data lookup table can be
used for inverting, thresholding, and correction.
- 8 User programmable parallel I/O signals